What is an Inventory Owner?

  • Inventory Owners are the legal owners of refined fuels in ONEOK's pipeline systems.
  • They have the authority to transfer ownership of refined fuels to other Inventory Owners.
  • They can grant access to Suppliers at terminals.
  • They can participate in trading.

What features in Swift does an Inventory Owner use?

  • Inventory Projections View current and projected inventory
  • Inventory Reports View and export inventory and loading reports
  • Product Transfer Orders (PTOs) Trading and Transferring ownership of inventory at a ONEOK terminal
  • Reconsignments Move inventory to within ONEOK's pipeline system
  • Supplier Authorizations Authorize Suppliers to load from an Inventory Owner’s product
  • Self-Authorizations A “self-type” Supplier Authorization for an Inventory Owner to authorize themselves as the Supplier
  • Extended Loading Allows an Inventory Owner to exceed available inventory at a terminal with inventory at other locations. This feature is available in Swift+
  • Two-Party ExchangeDesignate a Supplier as the legal owner of product for IRS EXSTARS reporting purposes