
Moving refined fuel inventory from one location to another in ONEOK's refined fuel system.

What are Reconsignments?

  • Inventory Owners move their refined fuels from one location to another in the ONEOK refined fuel system.
  • Allows Inventory Owners to manage inventory volumes and meet their supplier’s demands at specific locations. 

What is an auto Reconsignment?

Also known as a recurring Reconsignment

  • Enables Inventory Owners to set minimum thresholds for product volume at a terminal location.
  • A Reconsignment is automatically created to move product from a selected source location to the destination when volume falls below the set minimum threshold.

What types of Reconsignments are available?

Swift only allows legitimate, available reconsignments.

        • Many destinations to one source location
        • Many destinations to many source locations
        • Single destination to one source location
        • Single destination to many source locations

        And vice versa:

        • Many source locations to one destination
        • Many source locations to many destinations
        • Single source location to one destination
        • Single source location to many destinations


          If you select multiple options, you must watch the Continue button on the bottom right and make sure it remains clickable.  Following a selection, if the button turns grey, that reconsignment option is not available. After you click continue, the following screen will present the opportunities for you to break down the volumes for multiple locations or multiple destinations.

    How do I search for a Reconsignment?

    1. Swift Home Page > Inventory > Reconsignments
      1. From here, Inventory Owners can take various actions:
        1. Create a new Reconsignment
        2. Edit or cancel Reconsignments
        3. Edit or delete auto Reconsignments
    2. View Reconsignments Overview
    3. Click on View Filters on the upper left of the page
    4. Filter and Search
      • Additionally, filter between manual and auto reconsignments using the tabs on the overview page
    5. The number of reconsignments in view can be expanded by adjusting the rows per page in the bottom-right corner

    How do I edit or cancel a Reconsignment?

    1. Click on the ellipses on the right side of the Reconsignment
    2. Click Edit to make changes OR Cancel

    How do I create a new One-Time Reconsignment? (aka Manual Reconsignment)

    1. Swift Home Page > Inventory > Reconsignments
    2. Upper right corner: New Reconsignment OR + on the top right corner from anywhere in Swift New Reconsignment.


    1. Select the affiliate company to perform the Reconsignment for
    2. Select the product type
    3. Select an RVP value if applicable (Not required for auto Reconsignments)
    4. Select the destination(s) for where the product will be taken to
    5. Select the date for the Reconsignment to occur
    6. Use the optional Source Location Filters to specify location constraints:
      1. Enter volume (in barrels) to be moved
      2. Select Origins
      3. Select Inventory Status, Controlled Status, and Reserved Status of the barrels
    7. Select the Source Location(s) populated in the main display
      1. The Continue button will be green if the Reconsignment option selected is available. 

      Product Allocation

    8. Enter Volume (in barrels) to be reconsigned from the Source Location(s) to the Destination(s)
      1. The Continue button will be green if the designated volumes are available
    9. Confirm Reconsignment on the Summary page
    10. Review and Submit

    How do I create a new auto Reconsignment? (aka Recurring Reconsignment)

    1. Swift Home Page > Inventory > Reconsignments
    2. Upper right corner: New Reconsignment OR + on the top right corner from anywhere in Swift New Reconsignment.
    3. Toggle On that this is a recurring reconsignment

    Only 1 destination and 1 source location selection are allowed when creating a recurring reconsignment.


    1. Select the affiliate company to perform the Reconsignment for
    2. Select the product type
    3. Select an RVP value if applicable (Not required for auto Reconsignments)
    4. Select the destination for where the product will be taken to
    5. Select the date for the Reconsignment to occur
    6. Use the optional Source Location Filters to specify location constraints:
      1. Enter volume (in barrels) to be moved
      2. Select Origins
      3. Select Inventory Status, Controlled Status, and Reserved Status of the barrels
    7. Select the Source Location(s) populated in the main display
      1. The Continue button will be green if the Reconsignment option selected is available. 

      Product Allocation

    8. Enter Volume (minimum 1000 barrels) to be reconsigned from the Source Location to the Destination
    9. Enter Threshold Volume (minimum 200 barrels)
      1. Once the Destination reaches the threshold volume, an auto reconsignment of the Source Location volume will take place
    10. Click Continue
    11. Confirm Reconsignment on the Summary page and Submit

    Explore related articles and check out the Reconsignments feature page to learn more.