Product Transfer Orders (PTO)

Ownership transfer of product within ONEOK's refined fuels pipeline system.

What is a Product Transfer Order (PTO)?

A Product Transfer Order or PTO allows you - as an inventory owner - to change a barrel's ownership at a specific location within ONEOK's refined fuels pipeline System.

How do I create a new PTO?

  1. Swift Home Page > Inventory > Product Transfer Order > Right corner New Order.
  2. OR Anywhere within Swift > Upper Right Corner > Click the green + button > New Product Transfer Order. 

On my Open Product Transfer Order screen, I see four (4) swim lanes with different headers.  What do those headers mean?

“Swim Lane” Definitions

1. Needs My Approval

    1. Meaning: You have received a PTO, and it is awaiting your action to approve or reject.
    2. The PTO will only show if you’ve been given that PTO.

2. Needs Recipient Approval

    1. You have set up a PTO. It is pending action of accepting or rejecting from the other inventory owner.

3. Cannot Book

    1. The PTO created does not currently meet all the requirements necessary to be completed.
    2. This may be due to insufficient inventory, a future date/time (cannot book until that date), or other various inventory-related issues.

4. Recipient Rejected

    1. Your PTO was not accepted by the recipient it was sent to.

How do I accept a PTO?

  1. Click the accept button in the Needs My Approval swim lane. You can also accept in the detail of the PTO card.
  2. Accepting a PTO as an Inventory Owner means you are intaking product within the ONEOK system and it is now part of your inventory. 

How do I Reject a PTO?

  1. Click the reject button in the Needs My Approval swim lane. You can also reject in the detail of the PTO card.
  2. Rejecting a PTO as an Inventory Owner renders the PTO null and void.