High-Level Overview of Bugs and Enhancements Now Available in Swift
Release: 1.21.0
The descriptions below are now available in Swift as of end of February.
🐞 Bug Fixes: Two (2)
- Shipping > Batches
📣 Customer-Requested & Usability Enhancements: Seven (7)
- Inventory > Inventory Reporting (1)
- Inventory > Product Transfer Order (1)
- Inventory > Reconsignments (4)
- Shipping > Batches (1)
Shipping > Batches
- In the Batches list view, the correct Origin name displays under the Origin column in the Batches tab.
2. Acceptance of Submitted Shipments improved workflow: When a new Batch is created,
- The Shipment is automatically accepted if the Batch owner and Shipper are the same.
- If the Batch Owner is not the shipper (meaning they're a third-party shipper), the Shipment requires manual acceptance; it is not automatically accepted until the Shipper accepts the Shipment.
Inventory > Inventory Reporting tab (1)
- Persistent Filters are present within Inventory Reporting when users toggle between various reports. The same data header parameters will persist when switching reports. The data does not re-generate; it holds based on previous header fields selected.
Inventory > Product Transfer Orders (1)
- Customer Reference ID: A visual pop-up notification displays if the user attempts more than the allowed 10-character limit.
Inventory > Reconsignments (4)
- Under the Manual tab, the List View is now the only view (default).
- Copy functionality is available for all Reconsignments, regardless of the status.
- The Cancel functionality is available for Reconsignments with a Cannot Book status.
- Search feature is available; the Swift data filters according to the search criteria as users type. The previous search data entered will remain a persistent filter until the user clicks "x" to remove the criteria.
Shipping > Batches (1)
- Delete Distribution: The Distribution ID now shows and is included in the existing visual pop-up notification in the bottom left-hand corner after a user successfully confirms and deletes the Distribution.