Extended Loading

Meet demand with Extended Loading at a ONEOK refined fuel terminal

What is Extended Loading?

Extended Loading is managed within Self Authorizations and is only available with Swift+.

  • Allows Inventory Owners to exceed the available inventory at a location up to 2,000 barrels if they have the inventory at other locations with Extended Loading availability.
  • Enables Inventory Owners to meet demand when they do not have enough inventory at the time to fulfill the needs of their suppliers.

Which locations and products have Extended Loading?

ONEOK's refined fuel terminals within the Central System offer Extended Loading for common base products.

  1. Swift Home Page > Loading > Self Authorizations 
  2. Filter By Product on the top left-hand View By dropdown
    1. Start typing the product into the Filter Products box 
    2. Select the product
    3. View locations with the selected product in the Dashboard
    4. Extended Loading status is displayed for each location
  3. Filter by Location on the top left-hand View By dropdown
    1. Start typing the location into the Filter Locations box
    2. Select the location
    3. View Base Products at the location in the Dashboard
    4. Extended Loading status is displayed for each product 

How do I turn Extended Loading On/Off?

  1. Swift Home Page > Loading > Self Authorizations 
  2. Filter for authorizations by Product or Location
  3. Select the authorization on the Self Authorization dashboard
    1. Turn On:
      1. Click Turn On Extended Loading on the authorization
      2. Confirm
    2. Turn Off:
      1. Click Turn Off in the authorization desired
      2. Confirm by entering the authorization name in the prompt
      3. Confirm